Eddie LF Top 100 GvG Guild [Euro]
Hi, my IGN is Eddie Sells Out.
What I am looking for -
Top 100 GvG Guild which is also euro. I want a somewhat established guild, unless you are 100% certain you will be able to make it to at least champ range. Being able to compete and place well in ATs and the MaT is also a nice thing.
What I play -
I have most experience playing the FC Mes/Normal Ele/Paragon/Smite, you know, the bitch roles but I can also play 2nd Warrior to a pretty reasonable level as well and I enjoy it A LOT more.
What Experience do I have?
R2 Champ
R9 Hero
R3 Glad
R3 Commander
Top 50 GvG Exp (Top 50 playing midline and Top 200 playing 2nd Warrior)
Past Guilds -
The Last Escape [EXIT] - Peaked at r45, died to inactivity.
Unblemished Team [uT] - Peaked at r140 (rating 1215 I think), Win/Loss ratio of like 160/70, so we would have got a lot higher if it were not for e-drama.
GvG Scrubs [prOs] - Peaked at like r300 with a Win/Loss of 42/11, so again, would have got MUCH higher if it were not for drama.
Beyond Baed [baed] - This guild peaked at like r400 with a rating of about 1050 and soon disbanded due to inactivity.
And other random r400-r300 guilds that I can't remember atm.
References -
Shayleigh Fariac
Sargeras Horrorshow
Der Heilende Hauch
Ni Yang Mo
Psychos Kriegerin
Trixe Die Stupsnase
Hell On Frenzy
Tja Do
Eve Quickshot
Last edited by Eddie Frenzy Spam; Apr 20, 2009 at 10:44 PM // 22:44..